Hello CACTUS! Thank you for the effort that you have made during this 3rd Term. I'm very proud of you! Now I'm writing to tell you that you must: run,jump, swim,dance,sing,go to the mountains,go to the beach, definitely: ENJOYYOURSUMMER! I wish you a happy summer with your family and friends!!! Me, I've started my holidays now. Can you guess where am I? Many Kisses NATALIE 💜
Hello CACTUS! Today is our last English Class. You did it excellent and I am very happy with you and your effort! This week let's learn about the " Parts of the House" Enjoy doing the activities!
Task 1Watch the video about the animals topic and do the interactive worksheets. En acabar la fitxa us demanarà el vostre nom i cognom (Name and Surname) i enviar. Ready!
This week we continue learning about Clothes and Seasons. How are
we going to do it?
Task 1: Fitxa Interactiva.
En acabar la fitxa us demanarà el vostre nom i cognom ( Name and Surname) i enviar. Ready! CLOTHES ( Clica aquí) Task 2: Volunteer Work ( Si encara teniu ganes de treballar més podeu fer aquesta feineta). Em podeu enviar una foto de la feina feta al meu email: natalia@escolaelcim.net CLOTHES ( Clica aquí) Task 3: Enjoy playing these games about Clothes. Start doing Review- Slow- Fast. You can practice a lot!!!
How are you? I hope all of you are good at home with your family.
This week we’re going to learn about “EASTER”. Let’s start watching the song singing and dancing it.
Did you enjoy? Of course!!! You can watch and dance so many times as you want it.
Now, let’s learn EASTER vocabulary with this video.
Well Done! Tell me now please how many have you learned. Write comments, please!
And now it’s time to make an Easter Craft. I propose to do this Easter Rocking Rabbit Mask. Let’s do it! and Enjoy it!
This rocking rabbit craft is for kids and it's so quick and easy to do, and really lovely
to display.
You will need: Brown paint, paper plate, 2 pink pompoms (1 very small), Brown card,
Pink pipe cleaner, Wiggle eyes, sticky tape and glue.
Paint the back of the paper plates brown and leave to dry. Fold the plate in half.
Cut the pipe cleaner into 3 pieces. Fold these in half and tape the centre inside the fold in the plate. Bend the ends of the pipe cleaner around the plate so they form whiskers.Glue on a small pompom as a nose. From brown card cut two long ears. Glue one on to either side of the plate so the stick above the fold.
Glue and eye to each side of the plate. Finish by gluing on a pompom tail.
Your rabbit is ready to rock!
I want to see your photos. Please if you want to share with us do it at any social
Hi Cactus,How are you? I hope you are doing well and practicing a lot of English at home with your family. This week, we are going to play a game. This game is about animals. You must click on Game: Animals 1 and start to enjoy. Heu de jugar qualsevol dels 3 nivells: Fast (ràpid), Slow (lent) and Review (repassar). Aquesta setmana només treballarem animals 1. La resta més endavant. Si us plau, envieu comentaris amb el nom dels animals que heu après. Lot of Kisses Natalie GAME: ANIMALS 1
Hi kids, How are you doing? It's English Time!!!
Let's watch this video about animals and then tell me what's your favourite animal? Why?
Lots of Kisses